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What Is Happening At Asbury University

On February 8 the chapel service at Asbury University began as usual but has yet to end.  God moved through the Holy Spirit to convict students and they were sensitive and obedient to the Spirit.  They went to the alter, prayed and repented.  More students joined them. Today has been ten days and people are still going to the alter, praying and repenting.  There have been days and nights of worship, prayer, and repentance continuing without let up.  People outside the university heard about what was happening and have come to chapel to see and experience God’s presence.    God laid the burden on me to go and so I went last Monday.  Driving five hours to reach Asbury in the early afternoon. 

     Many memories came flooding back as I drove on to campus.  I had not been back to Asbury since I graduated in 1992.  I was surprised by the number of people crowding the chapel.  It was completely full with people standing wherever they could find a space.  Of course, the crowds are much bigger now.   There was a sense of anticipation and searching.  Like me, people had come at the direction of the Holy Spirit to see what God was doing and experience this historic move of God.  

     Inside the auditorium I found a seat in the balcony.  Someone was speaking.  His words were encouraging, informative, scriptural, and Spirit filled.  He was not preaching but sharing personal thoughts and scriptural directives to help us understand what was happening and our role in it.   He led us in several periods of prayer.  Sometimes we prayed with the people around us and and sometimes we prayed alone.  I became acquainted with those people around me as we prayed with and for each other.  

     After the prayer time some students came up on the side of the stage and started singing.  The whole gathering started singing with them.  The worship flowed from one song to the next.  There was not a screen up front and one was not needed.  The worship was intense and but peaceful as corporately we worshiped, enveloped in the presence of God.

     I left at 6 PM to drive home contemplating on what I had just witnessed and experienced.  Prayer and worship occupied the most time spent in the chapel.  There was some sharing of testimonies by people of God’s work in their lives. The alter was constantly filled with people praying and worshipping. There was not a leader but there were people guiding and providing leadership in the service.  The Holy Spirit was in charge.  The service was peaceful, deep, intense, and completely focused on God.    

     Is this event a revival, an awakening, or a move of God?  Whatever you choose to call it, it is real and is having an impact on people.  I sensed a real hunger for God, for worship, and for prayer amongst the people.  A common theme in the testimonies was reconciliation with others.  As people were drawn into his presence they were convicted about their relationships.  The leader spoke of dozens of students on their phones walking, crying, talking, apologizing to parents and friends.   

     What will be the result of this event?  Only God knows because He is the one doing it.  Already we know lives have been changed.  God has been glorified.  The result is not up to us but God.  The only action God asks of us is obedience.  And obedience is what is happening in Asbury and all over the world.  One truth God made plan to me was that His Holy Spirit is everywhere, not just one place, and we have access to that Spirit at any time.  Revival can come to your heart right now.  Do you want more of God?   Pray, worship, repent, and allow God access to the deepest caverns of your heart.   Then obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

In His Service,


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